Adult Ministries

Men’s Ministry

The Men's Ministry strives to equip and disciple men by worshiping God, testifying Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and developing relationships that edify and encourage others.

Women’s Ministry

Northlake Baptist Church Women's Ministry strives to minister to women and girls of all ages and to provide opportunities for multigenerational discipleship, mentoring, and fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ

Sonshiners Ministry

Sonshiners, our senior adult ministry, exemplify and glorify Christ Jesus by the love we display, the joy we radiate, and the passion we demonstrate.

Sonshiners provides a time of fellowship and worship for our senior adults. We would love for you to join us the second Thursday of every month! At each meeting we will have a guest speaker or entertainment. Please bring $1 and a covered dish (if you are able) as we spend time together!

Woman's Missionary Union (WMU) is an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention that was founded in 1888. It is the largest Protestant mission’s organization for women in the world.

WMU at Northlake is focused on mission activities and programs. Our meetings are the last Monday night of the months of August, September, October, January, February, March, and April. The first Monday in December we have a Christmas program with an emphasis on a local Women’s Ministry. Mark your calendar with these dates and plan to join the women of Northlake each month!

Women on Mission® is ongoing missions involvement and learning that extends across the globe. Missions opportunities, learning materials and many free resources have been created to help women develop a missions lifestyle. As a part of Women on Mission, ladies have the opportunity to participate in missions and ministries that enable them to experience a variety of ways to serve Christ.

Ultimately, the purpose of all Women on Mission activities is that every person have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.