Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes meet every Sunday morning at 9:45 am across our campus. Classes are divided by age so that children, students, and adults are with others that are in similar grades, similar ages, and similar seasons of life. A general overview of our Sunday School classes can be found below. When you visit us in person, we would love to personally take you to one of our Sunday School classes and get you connected.

  • Children

    Our children's classes serve to disciple children in the knowledge of God’s Word and help to create a foundation that helps them:

    view the world like Jesus did,

    love God like Jesus did,

    live lives like Jesus did

    make decisions like Jesus did

    and change the world like Jesus did.


    Babies & Young 1’s

    2’s & 3’s

    Older 3’s & 4’s

    K-2nd Grade

    3rd-5th Grade

  • Students

    Our Student's classes strive to create a solid foundation of knowledge of God and His Word so that they can navigate the diverse cultural landscape they face daily while remaining faithful to Jesus.


    Middle School Students led by Horace Fortner and Brett & Jana Lowrey

    High School Students led by Carey and Colleen Whitlow

  • College & Career

    The College and Career Small Group meets in Room 202 to dive into God’s Word together. The group uses the Explore the Bible discipleship guides to guide their study and discussion together.

    18-25 year old’s led by Dalton Holman

  • Adults

    We offer a diverse set of Sunday School classes each with unique studies for adults from all stages of life. These groups provide a consistent fellowship of both mature and young believers so that all can be mutually encouraged in knowledge and passion to follow Jesus. See a list of classes below:

    Pathfinders (Co-Ed)- Rm. 206/208
    Phillip Love and Jack Pritchard co-lead this apologetics-focused class through the Answers in Genesis Bible study curriculum each week.

    This community of adults from a variety of life stages and situations work hard to have a ready defense of the gospel (1 Pt. 3:15). They connect present issues with God’s Word and its timeless lessons through biblical, class-wide discussion.

    Young Senior Adults (Co-Ed)- Rm. 201
    Young Senior Adults is a class of exactly that- Young Senior Adult singles and couples!

    Led by Terry Whitworth, they use Explore the Bible curriculum each Sunday to dig into God’s Word.

    As a former music director, Terry brings a light-hearted attitude to the classroom as they study God’s Word and reach out to the community.

    The Bereans (Co-Ed)- Rm. 112A
    The Berean Sunday School class is an adult, mixed-aged class that teaches the truths of the Bible and its relevancy to today.  The class uses Lifeway’s Explore the Bible curriculum, which studies a different book of the Bible each church quarter.  As such, it is a sequential study that will encounter every book of the Bible over time. 

    The class name is derived from the people from the city of Berea as described in Acts 17:11, “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”  The class uses a mixture of lecture and vigorous class discussion.   The Berean class is also a mission-minded class that participates in various mission and missionary projects throughout the church year.  The class sponsors social events periodically as well.  Bruce Pilgrim (retired public school teacher) teaches the class.

    R.P.M. (Running with Perseverance for the Master) (Co-Ed)- Room 204
    This group studies Explore the Bible curriculum with a great desire to grow in knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    It is co-taught by Tim Hurley, Steve Barnes, and James Thigpen.

    They rotate teaching to this class of single and married adults, giving a variety of backgrounds and lenses to help all their group members grasp God’s Word more personally.

    Hearts Aglow (Co-Ed)- Rm. 102/104
    Hearts Aglow meets each week under the teaching of Peggy Moore (with Bro. James Elrod as assistant teacher).

    This group studies the Bible in-depth together to see how the whole story of God’s people fits together.

    The Hearts Aglow Sunday School class is a loving and caring group of seniors who don’t act like seniors! They serve each other when needs arise, enjoy regular class socials and trips, and their spiritual devotion is active and growing.

    The class invites you to study and worship with them, regardless of your age each week as they study deep in the word.

    The Joint Heirs (Co-Ed)- Rm. 203
    Led by Bill Skilling, the Joint Heirs class studies God’s Word through biblical exposition week-by-week. Currently, the class is studying the gospel of Matthew. The goal of the class is to communicate the meaning and intent of the biblical text they are studying. Commentary and examples are presented to help make the passage clear, understandable, and applicable to our lives today. The goal of the class is for members to better understand who God is and what He requires of His people. This class is intended for any adult of any age who loves to study God's Word, have lively discussions of what is being studied, and who enjoy fellowship.