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Winter Retreat

Attention Students! Join us for Winter Retreat - February 16-19, 2024, at Oakmont Resort in Pigeon Forge, TN.


We believe that life is a journey filled with moments that can shape our lives and make a lasting impact on God’s kingdom. It can sometimes be challenging to discern what is true and what is not. In our study, we will explore the journey of David and discover valuable lessons. We will encourage students to trust God wholeheartedly and seek His guidance. It is essential to distinguish between God’s truth and the opinions of others. By doing so, students will understand the significance of their decisions. We also emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who value godly wisdom. Together, we can reinforce the need for discernment and support one another on this journey. We invite you to join us as we navigate this exciting adventure and grow in our understanding of God’s truth. Let’s embark on this journey together and make a positive impact that will last for eternity!

Register today for only $100.

February 8

Sonshiners Luncheon

February 26

On Mission with Northlake Food Pantry